Published : 2023-01-30

Tourism in the region of Małopolska during the COVID-19 pandemic


 Małopolska is the leading region in Poland not only in terms of the volume of tour-ist traffic but also with respect to tourism resources and their use. Research on tourist traffic in Małopolska conducted by the Regional Tourism Organisation since 2003 provides data used for monitoring changes regarding the volume of tourism traffic, its structure, the main regions of ori-gin for inbound tourism, major destinations and the use of accommodation facilities and means of transport. To support strategic and promotional activities, it is important to assess tourists’ sense of security and satisfaction with their visits to the region. The goal of the study described in the article was to compare available data from the period before and during the pandemic in order to assess its impact on tourism in the region. The article describes changes in the volume and structure of tourist traffic, the length of average stay, tourist destinations, tourist expenditures and revenue from tourism. While visitor numbers and tourism revenues declined during the pan-demic, assessments of the sense of security (among foreign tourists) and the level of satisfaction were found to be higher than before the pandemic.


Małopolska, potencjał turystyczny, ruch turystyczny, pandemia, COVID-19





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Kruczek, Z., Borkowski, K., & Mazanek , L. (2023). Tourism in the region of Małopolska during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studia Periegetica, 37(1), 107–129.

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