Published : 2022-04-30

Antarctic tourism: its origins, organization, and future prospects


Human activity at the Antarctic continent and around it started quite late and was strongly reliant on the knowledge and technology required to get access to the world’s most distant continent. Recently, Antarctica has become a unique tourist destination, the attraction of which has facilitated the growth of many forms of tourism. The authors seek an answer to the question of how tourism development in Antarctica affects this unique environment. The purpose of this article was to highlight the essential characteristics and determinants of Antarctic tourism development, as well as to present the Antarctic tourism management organization system. The paper is based on research of the most recent Antarctic tourist literature, International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) documents providing statistical data, and personal observations. The study of the relevant literature and source materials, as well as their arrangement and systematization, enabled an answer to the research question to be obtained. The results demonstrate that Antarctic travel has grown rapidly in recent decades, up until the pandemic’s emergence. Its distinctive features are seasonality and spatial constraints. According to the findings of the study, excessive tourism expansion may pose hazards and impose restrictions in this regard. The research is part of a larger discourse about the current situation and future of tourism in Antarctica.


Antarctic tourism, Antarctic cruises, tourism management





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Palmowski , T., & Studzieniecki, T. (2022). Antarctic tourism: its origins, organization, and future prospects. Studia Periegetica, 37(1), 131–149.

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