Published : 2023-03-22

The social dimension of recreational enclosed space - example of cohousing


The aim of this article is to analyse the social dimension of enclosed recreational space. It considers cohousing, defined as a bottom-up, non-institutional residential model in which a sustainable causality-community model of social perception applies. The first part of the article presents the theoretical foundations of the concept of recreational space and the main assumptions of the idea of cohousing as an example of enclosed space. The main emphasis is on the second part of the article, where attention is focused on the social dimension of this space. In the literature, research findings on the social dimension of cohousing point to its positive orientation. Authors emphasise the interactional, identity and existential significance of cohousing. Few publications point to the negative aspects of the resulting forms of socialisation. Seeing the similarity between cohousing and gated settlements, the author draws attention to the notion of the dark side of social capital, which, due to the particular characteristics of the forms of socialisation in question, is particularly evident in this case. A noticeable paradox of modern times - the social paradox of community - is pointed out and a simplified model of the social dimension of the enclosed recreational space of cohousing is presented, as well as the need to gradate the enclosedness of the space in question. A method of analysing foundational data was used, which included publications, reports and studies on the problem addressed. The websites of individual cohousing communities were also an important source. This article only emphasises the problem of the social dimension of the recreational cohousing space. In the author's opinion, it can serve as a kind of introduction to the debate and in-depth research on the social activity of the users of this space. In future research, it seems interesting to determine the degree of enclosure of the space in question, which will guarantee the achievement of social benefits at the micro-scale and minimise the negative aspects at the macro-scale (the emergence of homogeneous communities and natural social segregation). The work is theoretical in nature and constitutes another part of the author's considerations on the concept of third places in the era of globalization.


cohousing, recreational space, private space, social capital





Citation rules

Markiewicz, E. (2023). The social dimension of recreational enclosed space - example of cohousing. Studia Periegetica, 42(2), 51–74.

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