Published : 2023-07-29

Sustainability of digital marketing strategies for driving consumer behaviour in the domestic tourism industry


This study examines the effectiveness and sustainability of digital marketing strategies for driving consumer behaviour in the domestic tourism industry. Based on the findings of a mixed research design involving 13 face-to-face interviews with tourism marketers as well as 401 surveys of domestic tourists, understanding tourism marketers’ digital marketing preferences, digital marketing platforms influencing travel decisions and factors motivating the use of digital platforms is crucial in developing sustainable digital marketing strategies. Digital marketing has the resilience to influence tourists’ decisions to engage in domestic tourism. Stakeholders must constantly adapt their digital marketing strategies to stay abreast of the changing trends in technology adoption. It is paramount that tourism destinations spearhead their tourism recovery strategies for increased competitiveness, sustainability and long-term recovery. As digital marketing becomes more sustainable for changing consumer behaviour, future studies can focus on artificial intelligence tools and consumer behaviour in tourism.





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Chamboko-Mpotaringa, M., & Tichaawa, T. M. (2023). Sustainability of digital marketing strategies for driving consumer behaviour in the domestic tourism industry. Studia Periegetica, 43(3), 149–168.

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