Published : 2018-09-30

Uczenie się aktywne jako środek promowania edukacji na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju w klasie: przykład wdrażania kursu "Wielopoziomowy ład organizacyjny"

Savitri Jetoo


The world is increasing in complexity and challenged by serious problems such as climate change, which have no easy solutions and involve stakeholders with competing values. Higher education has an integral role to play in navigating society through these daunting challenges. Educating the next generation of scholars and change agents through the framework of sustainable development clears a path for balancing environmental, societal and economic realities. Education for sustainable development must equip students with critical and "out of the box" thinking skills to develop innovative solutions to these problems. Whilst it is recognized that there is a need to develop pedagogical approaches for sustainability in education, there is a gap in the literature on pedagogical practices that promote education for sustainable development in the classroom. This study aims to bridge this gap by examining active learning as a means of promoting education for sustainable development. More specifically, it examines the use of active learning techniques in the course "Multilevel Governance" as a means of promoting education for sustainable development in the classroom. This article recommends that active learning techniques, such as group discussions, group assignments, Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) talks, are critical to engaging students in the classroom on sustainability issues. (original abstract)


Studying, Organisational effectiveness, Education, Sustainable development, Promotion





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Jetoo, S. (2018). Uczenie się aktywne jako środek promowania edukacji na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju w klasie: przykład wdrażania kursu "Wielopoziomowy ład organizacyjny". Studia Periegetica, 23(3), 41–55.

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