Published : 2018-09-30

Heuristic Method for Successful Learning in Education for Sustainable Development

Alena Jukh

Volha Kremleva


The economic and social transformations that have taken place in the Republic of Belarus in recent decades have led to a change in the state educational paradigm towards the priority of personal development and self-realization of students. The transition to new socioeconomic relations emphasizes the task of developing abilities to overcome emerging problems, to offer non-standard solutions. There is an urgent need to develop creative abilities of the future specialist. The problem of freedom of choice and the possibility of making independent decisions in conditions of social change are becoming significant. In this regard, innovations in the educational activities of the Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are aimed at changing the personal attitude, the implementation of decisions, and the position of responsible and independent decision-making of future specialists. One of the methods that ensures the activity of students in the process of employment, as well as their independent thinking, is the heuristic method of teaching. (original abstract)


Education, Sustainable development, Heuristics methods, Studying





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Jukh, A., & Kremleva, V. (2018). Heuristic Method for Successful Learning in Education for Sustainable Development. Studia Periegetica, 23(3), 93–102.

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