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Usuń Analytical report to the Annual Address of the President of Ukraine to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the Internal and External Situation of Ukraine in 2016," 2016, Kyiv: NISS.
Chernikov D.O., 2013, Modernizatsiya systemy derzhavnoyi pidtrymky sub'yektiv hospodaryuvannya v Ukrayini [Modernization of the system of state support of business entities in Ukraine], Kyiv: NISS.
Gusev V.O., 2011, Upravlinnya strukturnymy zrushennyamy ta innovatsiyamy ta investytsiynymy protsesamy v ekonomitsi Ukrayiny: navchalʹnyy posibnyk [Management of structural shifts and innovation and investment processes in the economy of Ukraine: curriculum. Manual], Kyiv: NAPA.
Höllzler H., Libanova E., Efimenko T. et al., 2015, Report on the results of a study on state support for business entities in Ukraine, [accessed: 15.09.2019].
Law of Ukraine "On State Aid to Business Entities" of 1.07.2014 No. 1555-VII, http://zakon3.rada. [accessed: 15.09.2019].
Paientko T.V., 2009, Podatkove rehulyuvannya v konteksti formuvannya finansovogo potentsialu na pidpryyemstvi [Tax regulation in the context of formation of financial potential at the enterprise], "Biznes-inform: Mizhnarodnyy naukovo-ekonomichnyy zhurnal," 9, 96-98.
Pasinovych I., Sych O., 2018, Modernizatsiya mekhanizmiv derzhavnogo rehulyuvannya ekonomiky Ukrayiny [Modernization of mechanisms of state regulation of economy of Ukraine], "Finansovo-kredytna diyal'nist': problemy teoriyi ta praktyky," 1(24), 398-408.
Shinkaruk L.V. (ed.), 2011, Strukturni zminy ta ekonomichnyy rozvytok Ukrayiny: monohrafiya [Structural changes and economic development of Ukraine: monograph], Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Economics and Forecasting.
State Statistics Service of Ukraine, [accessed: 15.09.2019].
The World Factbook, [accessed: 15.09.2019].
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