Published : 2015-02-28

Major Trends in the Financing of Sub-central Governments between 1999-2013 and Their Impact on Fiscal Sustainability

Katarzyna Wójtowicz


The main purpose of this article is the identification of the desired attributes of the financial system of sub-central governments in Poland, in the context of ensuring fiscal sustainability and the appraisal of real structure and fluctuations in local revenues between 1999-2012. The key conclusion of the paper is that an ongoing process of progressive dependency of local budgets on external transfers from the State budget may be a menace to the fiscal sustainability of local authorities. State grants and subsidies do not correspond with the adequacy principle. In addition, they are not flexible and durable enough, and react very strongly to economic fluctuations. It is therefore possible to pass on to the local budgets a substantial part of the central government debt by arbitrarily reducing the amount of grants in terms of deterioration in the fiscal stance of the State budget. Another drawback of that system is very limited fiscal autonomy of local authorities which constrict their instruments to stimulate future economic growth.(original abstract)


Public finance, Local revenues, Local government finance





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Wójtowicz, K. (2015). Major Trends in the Financing of Sub-central Governments between 1999-2013 and Their Impact on Fiscal Sustainability. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 58(1). Retrieved from

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