Published : 2015-02-28

Taxes as a Tool to Stimulate Entrepreneurship and Economic Efficiency - Selected Problems in the Area of Personal Income Taxation

Jolanta Szołno-Koguc


The importance of taxes is not only in ensuring sufficient financial resources for the implementation of public tasks. Among the major non-fiscal objectives, there are also economic priorities: developing entrepreneurship and improving economic performance at the micro level, reflected in sustainable development at the macro level. The special role in this respect falls to taxes directly incriminating profit companies. The vast majority of businesses, particularly in small and medium-sized companies, are run by solo individuals or in partnership with other individuals. Whether, and to what extent, does the structure of income tax from individuals include preferential arrangements to promote entrepreneurship and economic development? What is their effectiveness? What requires change? This article attempts to assess, from their point of view, income taxation of individuals conducting business activity. Attention has been placed on the issue of the need and direction of change not only in the area of tax preferences, but the whole structure of the Polish PIT, in the context of equal treatment of taxpayers regardless of organizational and legal forms of business, including the advantages and disadvantages of a flat tax.(original abstract)


Individual income tax, Tax incentives, Flat tax, Tax system





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Szołno-Koguc, J. (2015). Taxes as a Tool to Stimulate Entrepreneurship and Economic Efficiency - Selected Problems in the Area of Personal Income Taxation. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 58(1). Retrieved from

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