Published : 2015-02-28

Problems of Cost Measurement and Valuation of Public Services

Marek Dylewski


The search for ways to increase the efficiency of the use of public resources has been the target of research for many years. Polish legal solutions and practices do not indicate the measurement procedure costs of public services. Therefore, the issue of the article focuses on the search for answers to the question about the real problems associated with the measurement and valuation of the costs of providing public services. Thus, the primary objective adopted in the article is to identify the problems related to the measurement and valuation of the costs of public services and what is considered an important element of the basic beginning to develop mechanisms and procedures for measuring the costs of providing public services. The considerations are based on existing legal mechanisms, the available literature on the subject, and previously applied solutions in this area worldwide.(original abstract)


Public finance, Local government finance, Public services, Cost of services, Valuation

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Dylewski, M. (2015). Problems of Cost Measurement and Valuation of Public Services. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 58(1). Retrieved from

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