Published : 2013-12-30

E-learning and the Skills of a Student in the Context of an Academic Entrepreneurship

Agnieszka Faron


This article focuses on issues related to distance learning and the role it plays in shaping a student's skills. Contemporary teaching methods, involving the use of modern technologies, allow universities to implement the ideas and challenges that are required by a varied and complex environment. It seems that e-learning is not only facilitating wider access to knowledge resources, but is also affecting the shaping of certain student skills that lead to their more comprehensive development. This is particularly important in an era of higher education efforts to change their policy towards an entrepreneurial university. One of the goals here is the activation of students and graduates, and taking affords supporting their entrepreneurial attitudes. This article presents the theoretical assumptions related to that topic, and the results of empirical studies that attempt to answer the question about the relationship between e-learning and the development of a student's skills, which are important for their future careers.(original abstract)


e-learning, Entrepreneurship, Students





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Faron, A. (2013). E-learning and the Skills of a Student in the Context of an Academic Entrepreneurship. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 51(6). Retrieved from

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