Published : 2013-08-30

The Good vs Individual Interests - the Hermeneutics of Practical Philosophy

Piotr Machura


In this paper I offer a hermeneutical analysis of the ways of understanding morality depending on the basic terms organizing its conceptual scheme. The main focus is on a distinction between classical, that is an Aristotelian, understanding of ethics rooted in the notion of good, and its modern counterpart based on the concept of individual interest. My argument is threefold: firstly, I discuss the classical concept of the good and its metaphysical background, as well as the way in which it organises the Aristotelian practical philosophy; secondly, I address the change that occurred at the turn of modernity in the way of depicting the human agency, as well as the reasons for which modern economics was recognised, as the basic normative science. I follow this with pointing out some of the consequences of this turn and their problematic nature. This leads to the question of the possibility of restoring the concept of the good as the core concept of practical philosophy (which would include economics). Thirdly, I address some of the contemporary theories dealing with this issue.(original abstract)


Ethics, Moral philosophy





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Machura, P. (2013). The Good vs Individual Interests - the Hermeneutics of Practical Philosophy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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