Published : 2013-08-30

Reliability of the European Aims till 2020: a comparative cluster analysis

Emília Zimková


The European Commission introduced a Strategy for Europe till 2020, which is focused on smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In our contribution we would like to answer two research questions: which countries will probably be able to meet the aims proposed by the European Commission by 2020, and which is the best cluster analysis method to be applied in this research from a selection of the most used clustering methods. Single linkage (nearest neighbor), complete linkage (furthest neighbor), and Ward's minimum variance method of cluster analysis had been applied to the issue at hand. Ward's minimum variance method had gotten the best results from the point of view of statistical and economic interpretation. From the 28 European countries, only 8 have a real chance to meet the main criteria of the European Strategy for 2020.(original abstract)


Europe 2020 Strategy, Sustainable development, Cluster analysis, Ward method, Comparative analysis





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Zimková, E. (2013). Reliability of the European Aims till 2020: a comparative cluster analysis. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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