Published : 2013-08-30

Lobbying as part of the legislative system in Poland. Fiction Law on Lobbying in 2005

Alicja Bartuś


Poland, as one of only a few countries in the world, decided to regulate lobbying activities by special legislation. In 2005, Parliament passed a bill on lobbying activity in the legislative process (law on lobbying or lobbying law). The law came into force during March 2006. Along with secondary laws, it determines the legal regulations of lobbying in Poland. Despite much criticism, the law for lobbying was not a subject of interest for politicians, until 2010. For almost four years after its implementation, decision-makers were passive, although the Ministry of Interior and Administration responsible for monitoring the implementation of this law, had reports proving it did not work properly. The only adjustments that have been made to this law resulted from changes in the mode of preparation of drafts of the normative acts by the government, but these amendments were rather minor. In 2009 some of the representatives of the gambling industry were accused for illegally lobbying members of the government and deputies of the ruling party. Most experts consider the law on lobbing to be fiction. In accordance to the law, there were only 28 lobbyists in Polish Parliament in March 2013. No "official" lobbyists were interested in participating in the regulations or law. However, everyone in Poland knows that hundreds of "unofficial" lobbyists continually influence law-making process.(original abstract)


Lobbying, Legislation





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Bartuś, A. (2013). Lobbying as part of the legislative system in Poland. Fiction Law on Lobbying in 2005. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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