Published : 2013-08-30

Respect Index - an initiative of the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the Process of Implementing CSR Rules on the Polish Capital Market

Anna Krzysztofek


Over the last few years in the modern financial market, the concept of corporate social responsibility has been of important scientific significance, and raised increasing interest among investors. As a result of that, CSR is becoming almost a standard in stock exchange listed companies both in foreign countries, as well as in Poland itself. The aim of this article is to present the Respect Index, an initiative of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, in the process of the implementation of CSR rules in the Polish capital market. Discussed within this paper is the concept of the index, the conducted research, a survey questionnaire (scope of the study), and an index of the methodology and publication requirements. The thesis of the article is a statement that companies listed in the Respect Index not only are perceived by society in a positive way, but also raise the company value for shareholders.(original abstract)


Stock market, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Capital market, Stock market indexes, RESPECT Index





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Krzysztofek, A. (2013). Respect Index - an initiative of the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the Process of Implementing CSR Rules on the Polish Capital Market. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 49(4). Retrieved from

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