Published : 2012-10-30

Criteria of the Quality Assessment of e-learning Courses for Students in Light of Research Conducted at Cracow University of Economics

Agata Jonas


E-learning defined as "one of the forms of long-distance education, using all available electronic media and IT applications, including in particular the networks and their resources" is becoming more and more popular at different levels of education. This form of education has been chosen by universities. E-courses, just like any other form of teaching should be evaluated. Students are the important group authorized to make an assessment. The purpose of this article is to attempt to answer the question of what elements of e-courses should be evaluated by students. The answers to this question were presented on the basis of surveys conducted among students at the University of Economics in Krakow. This research was designed to identify the opinions of students about e-learning courses, and also to identify factors relevant to the assessment of these type of courses. Theoretical basis of the research as well as considerations contained in this article are models of quality of services, both traditional and e-services.(original abstract)


e-learning, SERVQUAL method, Service quality assessment, Higher education





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Jonas, A. (2012). Criteria of the Quality Assessment of e-learning Courses for Students in Light of Research Conducted at Cracow University of Economics. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 44(44). Retrieved from

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