Published : 2012-04-30

The Role and Importance of the Cities with County Rights in the Execution of Public Tasks

Marek Dylewski

Bartosz Stasik


The cities with county rights constitute a basic pillar of the local self-government system in Poland. They are the focus of nearly one third of the financial resources. At the same time, one should stress their dual nature as communes obligatorily carrying out part of the counties' tasks. The main problem is how public tasks in such a specific unit are conducted and whether or not this is a barrier to an effective and efficient execution of these tasks. The article presents a description of the cities with county rights, their characteristic features and financial potential against local self-government units. The conclusions drawn from the discussion in the article are that there is a need to extend research over neighboring municipalities in order to define the role and importance of cities with county rights as centers for local and regional development.(original abstract)


City with county rights, Public finance

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Dylewski, M., & Stasik, B. (2012). The Role and Importance of the Cities with County Rights in the Execution of Public Tasks. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 41(41). Retrieved from

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