Published : 2012-02-28

Applying Semantic Compression in Natural Language Processing Tasks

Dariusz Ceglarek


Semantic compression is a new technique that enables to attain correct generalisation of terms in a given context. Thanks to this generalisation, some common thought can be detected in different documents. The rules governing the generalisation process are based on a data structure referred to as a domain frequency dictionary. Having established the domain for a given text fragment a disambiguation of possibly many hypernyms becomes a feasible task. Semantic compression, thus informed generalisation, is possible through the use of semantic networks as a knowledge representation structure. In the light of given overview, one can see that semantic compression makes possible a number of improvements in comparison to already established Natural Language Processing techniques. These improvements along with detailed discussion of various elements of algorithms and data structures necessary to make the semantic compression a viable solution are the core of this work. The semantic compression can be applied in a variety of scenarios. The original scenario for which the semantic compression was introduced was plagiarism detection. With the increasing effort spent on development of the semantic compression, new domains of application were discovered. Thanks to the remodeling of already existing data sources to match the algorithms enabling the semantic compression, it became possible to use it as a base for an automaton. Thanks to the exploration of hypernymhyponym and synonym relations the automaton is capable of discovering new terms that may be included in the knowledge representation structures.(original abstract)


Semantic Web Service (SWS), Intellectual property protection





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Ceglarek, D. (2012). Applying Semantic Compression in Natural Language Processing Tasks. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 40(40). Retrieved from

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