Published : 2011-12-30

Trends in Development of Lower Silesia Region in the Field of Innovation According to Updated Regional Innovation Strategy for Years 2011-2020

Niki Derlukiewicz


Since 2005 Lower Silesia region has a regional innovation strategy, however, in the August 2011 Board of Lower Silesia has adopted a new document of the Regional Innovation Strategy for years 2011-2020. This document is an update of the existing from April 2005 Lower Silesia Innovation Strategy. The main premise of updating Regional Innovation Strategy for Lower Silesia province from 2005 were changes that have occurred in the economic reality of the region during the last five years. The aim of the article is to present the mission and objectives of the new regional innovation strategy and indicate the directions of the development of Lower Silesia in the field of innovation for years 2011-2020. (original abstract)


Regional innovation, Regional development strategy, Regional development





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Derlukiewicz, N. (2011). Trends in Development of Lower Silesia Region in the Field of Innovation According to Updated Regional Innovation Strategy for Years 2011-2020. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 39(39). Retrieved from

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