Published : 2011-10-30

Debt Limits Local Government Units in the Light of the Crisis of Public Finances

Marek Dylewski


With the entry into force of the new Public Finance Act, there were introduced new rules of debt limitation of local government units. They are to enter only at the beginning of 2014. However, the external situation, the crisis of public finances, which affected the Euro area, as well as the recommendations of the Ecofin Council resulted in the need to prepare new solutions that will contribute to reduce the public debt in Poland. Assessment of the proposed amendments to the Law on public finance and its impact leads to the conclusion that this can be one of the reasons for limiting the rate of development of some local government units, especially those which delayed development plans at the time. As shown in the last event, the determination of the Ministry of Finance increases in developing methods for reducing public debt. One of the ways which was proposed applies debt limit in local government units.(original abstract)


Public debt, Budget deficit, Public finance, Local government finance

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Dylewski, M. (2011). Debt Limits Local Government Units in the Light of the Crisis of Public Finances. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 37(37). Retrieved from

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