Published : 2011-09-30

Determinants of Budgetary Imbalances in the Sector of Local Government Units in Poland in Terms of the Financial Crisis

Tomasz Uryszek


The purpose of this article is to identify factors that influence the level of budgetary imbalances in local and regional governments (LRGs) in terms of the economic slowdown and financial crisis. The study was based on the relevant literature and on data from the Polish Ministry of Finance and Eurostat. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the article. The primary cause of deficits in the budgets of LRGs was faster average growth rate of expenditures than revenues. Due to the low financial autonomy of local government units, the amount of LRGs' revenues are dependent on the state budget (e.g. shared taxes). The economic slowdown affects the amount of those revenues. On the other hand the increase in expenditures is related to the implementation and financing of particular tasks (functions) of LRGs, including health, education and economic affairs. It is difficult to assess unequivocally the volume and structure of LRGs' expenditures and link them clearly with the economic crisis, ft is certain, however, that such links exist. (original abstract)


Budget deficit, Local government budget, Budget expenditures





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Uryszek, T. (2011). Determinants of Budgetary Imbalances in the Sector of Local Government Units in Poland in Terms of the Financial Crisis. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 36(36). Retrieved from

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