Published : 2011-09-30

Transparency of Public Finances are an Essential Element in the Process of Creating Law for Public Information

Krystyna Celarek


Openness of public finances is one of the guarantees of the constitutional principle of the right to information about the activities of public authorities, is a determinant of democracy, and contributes to growing efficiency in managing public funds. Society should have assured access to information on public finances - transparency gives society a feeling of security, and is also a sign that citizens are participating in monitoring the economy - "their own money" and finally works against bribery and corruption. Using IT solutions in the process of public disclosure of information, including the Public Information Bulletin, allows for faster, cheaper communication. The issue which requires consideration is the degree of transparency (clarity) in the shared materials - an information policy which requires clarification and shaping an information society conscious of its powers - that challenge has to be met by administrative law. (original abstract)


Public finance, Right to Information (RTI), Information disclosure





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Celarek, K. (2011). Transparency of Public Finances are an Essential Element in the Process of Creating Law for Public Information. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 36(36). Retrieved from

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