Published : 2011-06-30

Workaholism as the One of the Pathologies of the Contemporary Organization

Magdalena Filipiak

Joanna Rapcewicz


This research focuses on the workaholism as the one of the pathologies that occurs in organizations. Not only does this phenomenon deteriorate the quality of company functioning but also it became a social problem. According to the researches, addicted person suffers from plenty of ailments including inability to cope with different branches of life such as emotions, relationships, stress or private life. This paper reveals the Antonovsky's theory that states the connection between internal and external factories that decide in favor of health or illness. The article realizes the enormous influence of society, work conditions and personal traits on difficult way to recover. Another thing included is the role of the law rules in preventing worker's health but they don't meet the expected task. (original abstract)


Industrial psychology, Human and labour, Addiction, Human psychology, Workaholism





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Filipiak, M., & Rapcewicz, J. (2011). Workaholism as the One of the Pathologies of the Contemporary Organization. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 34(34). Retrieved from

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