Published : 2011-04-30

The Protection of Financial Services Consumer in EU

Bogna Janik


The protection of financial services consumer is based on the following: equal opportunities in business environment and increasing trust in intermediary financial institutions resulting in trust in the whole of financial market. Problem defined in that way generates questions concerning the level and scope of consumer protection both in order to protect him as well as to secure financial market against shocks resulting from consumer uncontrolled behavior. Moreover, it triggers dilemmas concerning the limit of such a protection in order to prevent moral hazard. In this paper I have described the mechanisms of consumer protection both ex ante as well as ex post in relation to various intermediary financial institutions - those active which create money and financial instruments and those passive ones functioning as risk transfer. The rules of protection presented in the paper are related to financial market which is not in the phase of crisis and the mechanisms are supposed to prevent panic which might result in further destabilization of financial market. I have also tried to present mechanisms of protection in case of destabilization based on literature and financial crisis experience which grew stronger in 2008. (original abstract)


Consumer protection, Financial services market, Financial services





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Janik, B. (2011). The Protection of Financial Services Consumer in EU. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 33(33). Retrieved from

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