Published : 2010-06-30

The Budgeting as a Cost Management Tool in Enterprises

Konrad Kochański


Every economic activity generates costs. The success of the profit is relative to the suitable level of costs, lower from the level of revenues. Costs are a determinant of revenues in the enterprise, because to produce goods which sale generates revenues, one ought first to use up definite resources. The essential problem is the suitable cost management and obtaining information about costs which are crucial for business management. The budgeting as the tool of cost management lets on the multiaspect approach to the category of costs of the enterprise as a whole, as and each of his elements, at the simultaneous realization of all functions of the management. The use budgeting as the tool of cost management assures both financial and organizational advantages. The efficient budgeting of costs, taking into account all management aspects has a key-influence on the enlargement of a quality arid the effectivity of led economic activity and attaining of established aims.(original abstract)


Budgeting, Costs management, Management accounting





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Kochański, K. (2010). The Budgeting as a Cost Management Tool in Enterprises. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 28(28). Retrieved from

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