Published : 2010-04-30

Stock Market Entry versus Changes in Business Technological Innovativeness

Joanna Sadkowska


Business R&D activities have been subject to a broad discussion both by foreign and domestic authors. It can be observed that a kind of concensus on the role of R&D works in the development of companies has been reached. Researchers fully agree that those businesses active within R&D face better development chances in comparison to those not using R&D. However there remains the question about the relation between obtaining access to capital and potential changes within the R&D works performed. This paper, being the first step into the long-term research on R&D and innovativeness, tries to seek and answer to the question whether stock market entry results in higher intensity of R&D works. For this purpose expenditures on R&D works (in the period 2005-2009) have been analyzed in case of 38 enterprises which entered the Warsaw Stock Exchange Market in 2006. (original abstract)


Enterprise finance, Enterprise innovation, R&D in the enterprise





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Sadkowska, J. (2010). Stock Market Entry versus Changes in Business Technological Innovativeness. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 27(27). Retrieved from

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