Published : 2009-12-30

Polish Experience in Development of the Market of Stock Exchange Derivatives

Ewa Widz


The article presents: previous development of the market of derivatives quoted on Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) and Warsaw Commodity Exchange, the structure of the markets, changes which took place within 11 years of their existence and prospects for further development. Despite the fact that the derivatives market of WSE develops very dynamically one cannot call it a developed market due to its structure. The whole liquidity is generated by only one instrument - futures contract for WIG20 index. Then market of derivatives quoted on Warsaw Commodity Exchange plays a marginal role. The article refers to the importance of this segment of stock exchange market for functioning of WSE and the position our stock exchange has in Europe compared to other European stock markets where this type of financial instruments is quoted.(original abstract)


Derivatives, Financial instruments, Stock exchange, Derivatives market





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Widz, E. (2009). Polish Experience in Development of the Market of Stock Exchange Derivatives. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 25(25). Retrieved from

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