Published : 2009-02-28

Functionality of Corporate Portals in the Context of Knowledge Management in an Organization

Ewa Ziemba


Depiction of corporate web portal's position and function, from a holistic view on knowledge anagement in organizations, is an objective of the following article. An introduction of the article describes the essence of a knowledge management process and the knowledge spiral model. Knowledge management would not have been possible without information technology. Thus, the importance of IT was highlighted. Moreover, a corporate portal was presented as a technology assisting organizational knowledge management. Additionally, principal functions of a corporate portal were described, i.e. information, communication and a function connected with making information systems available to different kinds of users. The last part of the article includes a presentation concerning functionality of a corporate portal in the Polish company Kompania Węglowa S.A. Advantages of a corporate portal implementation close the article. (original abstract)


Knowledge in organization, Knowledge management, Corporate portals, Business intelligence, Case study





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Ziemba, E. (2009). Functionality of Corporate Portals in the Context of Knowledge Management in an Organization. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 22(22). Retrieved from

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