Published : 2009-02-28

Knowledge Management in Large and Geographically Scattered Organisations

Łukasz Balicki


Komputronik SA is a typical example of large and geographically scattered joint stock company. It's fast growth caused many problems considering management of such a big organisation. One of the most crucial problem concerned the level of knowledge the employees own and diagnosed cause: lack of communication between employees after limitation of contacts in face to face way. The developed solution supposed to change the process of knowledge management in Komputronik SA. In details it is described as combination of typical knowledge management and knowledge management by Internet. The e-learning team makes some e-learning courses for whole scattered organisation starting much bigger knowledge management process. With e-learning system called e-Expert (based on OpenSource solution) Komputronik conducts product trainings and software trainings. In both cases measured efficiency points trainings consisting of interactive elements created with Flash technology as most important factor. The other important tool to build company knowledge base was implementing Customer Relationship Management system - Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.O. Komputronik's strategy to implement e-learning system and CRM system to manage knowledge management processes turned out a innovative and recommendable solution. (original abstract)


Communication in organisation, Knowledge, Knowledge management, e-learning, Relationships with customers





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Balicki, Łukasz. (2009). Knowledge Management in Large and Geographically Scattered Organisations. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 22(22). Retrieved from

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