Published : 2009-06-30

Endogenous Mechanism of Causality in the Present Crisis

Jarosław Mielcarek


The main problem undertaken in the article can be made through the question, what was the main mechanism of causality in the capitalist system causing the crises. Endogenous mechanism was presented and therefore indicating the causes of the crises in the internal dynamics of the capitalist system. The crisis arises as a result of the interplay of human activities, involving the emergence of unintended consequences of deliberate, rational human actions. The basic mechanism of causality of the capitalist system causing crises has been described by the following sequence: imitations - innovations that remove restrictions - extraordinary gains for the company implementing the innovation - the expansion of the followers of innovation - change in economic conditions under the influence of diffusion of innovation - new constraints - the next crisis. Within this chain of cause and effect rational economic units and consumers are operating. Limitations and the way they break through innovation play a vital role in this mechanism. (original abstract)


Crisis management, Crisis prevention, Crisis situations





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Mielcarek, J. (2009). Endogenous Mechanism of Causality in the Present Crisis. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 23(23). Retrieved from

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