Published : 2013-06-30

Socially Responsible Stock Indexes as a Factor Mitigating the Effects of Economic Crises

Anna Krzysztofek


It has been several decades now since interdisciplinary research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) was initiated. The economic recession of 2008, following the downturn in financial and banking markets worldwide, added momentum to the debate over state regulation of corporate social responsibility. Reflection on the origins and implications of the prolonged downtrend in the global economy has increased support for regulations obliging companies to embrace socially responsible behaviors. Furthermore, the social dimension of the ongoing crisis has contributed to popularizing the concept of socially responsible investing (SRI). This paper aims to present sustainability stock indexes designed to rate companies' commitment to socially responsible activities. At the moment, there are more than 50 CSR performance indexes around the world. The paper discusses the CSR indexes adopted by two of the world's leading stock markets: the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, Financial Times Stock Exchange 4 Good, and the first SRI index in Central and Eastern Europe, the Respect Index, which was introduced in Poland in November 2009 by the Warsaw Stock Exchange.(original abstract)


Social Responsibility, Stock exchange, Stock market indexes, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), RESPECT Index





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Krzysztofek, A. (2013). Socially Responsible Stock Indexes as a Factor Mitigating the Effects of Economic Crises. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 48(3). Retrieved from

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