Published : 2009-06-30

The Analysis of International Competitiveness of Poland in Comparison with the Countries of European Union - Macroeononic Approach

Stanisław Lis


The basic aim of the article is defining the changes of the Polish economy competitiveness level and capacity, taking part under the influence of the system transformation process. The research which was conducted indicated the existence of significant interrelation of these processes. The acceleration of economic growth dynamics in 1990-2008 helped to improve - to some extent - international competitiveness of Poland on European area. The main determinants of the increase of international competitiveness of the country were: increase of labour productivity, relatively high share of TFP in economic growth, fast decrease of labour cost, growing inflow of foreign direct investment, increase of Polish economy openness, particularly of quality and efficiency of human capital. The article also points out the barriers limiting the level and capacity of Polish competitiveness on the European market.(original abstract)


International competitiveness, Economy competitiveness, Economic growth





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Lis, S. (2009). The Analysis of International Competitiveness of Poland in Comparison with the Countries of European Union - Macroeononic Approach. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 24(24). Retrieved from

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