Published : 2021-06-30

Social Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Supporting the Socio-economic Development of Ukrainian Cities

Nadia Syniura-Rostun


The article describes the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The author identifies a range of obstacles to social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, which correlate with European trends. She argues that the problems caused by the military conflict and the socioeconomic instability have in fact stimulated the development of social entrepreneurship which has been able to react to the situation faster than public institutions. Economic sectors are identified that are the most attractive for social entrepreneurs. It is argued that the development policy for social entrepreneurship is at its still initial stage, which is evidenced by the lack of legal and strategic documents at the national and regional levels which would define conceptual foundations, priorities, and strategic directions for the development of social entrepreneurship. At the local level, only several municipalities have adopted development programs for this type of activity because they understand its importance for local economic development. The study shows that social entrepreneurship is becoming an efficient tool for implementing local policies of economic development for Ukrainian cities, but it requires a range of initiatives, including mentor guidance, institutional and financial support, and better access to sales markets, etc.(original abstract)


Social entrepreneurship, Social economic development





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Syniura-Rostun, N. (2021). Social Entrepreneurship as a Tool for Supporting the Socio-economic Development of Ukrainian Cities. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 93(2).

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