Published : 2018-12-30

Optimal Change of Currency

Hermann Witte


A change of a currency is possible with an exchange rate below pari, over pari and al pari. Effects on the functions of money are only given using an exchange rate below and over pari. There are only effects on the third function of money, the function as a store-of-value medium. The effects are rising prices of special goods followed by an effect of general increase of prices and an accelerator effect. The strength of the effect of general increase of prices and the accelerator effect is dependent on the rate of exchange, the price elasticity of demand of the goods, the intensity of competition on the goods markets and the income of the citiziens. These effects have also consequences on the distribution of income. The effect of general increase of prices and the accelerator effect are better to manage by economic strong economies than by economic weak economies. The optimal change of a currency is a change using an exchange rate al pari. But in practice this exchange rate is not offen possible. To protect effects of inflation and high national debts a change of currency is only appropriate by using an exchange rate below pari.(original abstract)


Monetary policy, Currency convertibility, Monetary theories





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Witte, H. (2018). Optimal Change of Currency. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 83(6).

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