Published : 2018-06-30

The Role of a Leader in Managing Change within an Enterprises

Mirosław Szcześniak


In the article based on selected literature related to this subject, the discussion focuses on the leader of changes and their importance in inspiring and conducting this important and complicated process within the company. Along with rapidly progressing global changes as well as social and generational changes taking place, the existing business paradigms are also being modified, so the portrait of an effective leader also changes. An effective leader is one who realizes that he is not able to know everything, which is why he needs trusted associates who have different competences, experiences and skills. Every day we encounter many different situations where decisions cannot be taken authoritatively and it is necessary to rely on specialists in a given area of knowledge. 21st century leaders have to be able to depart from hierarchy. A good leader must skillfully combine different management models - in one situation be a charismatic speaker, and in another, a scrupulous enforcer of procedures. However, one thing remains unchanged: a leader must always be up-to-date with trends, maintain respect for others and promote diversity. The theoretical considerations presented in the article are based on the review of available literature in this interesting field.(original abstract)


Leader in the organization, Leader in enterprise, Change management, Management process, Enterprise environment





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Szcześniak, M. (2018). The Role of a Leader in Managing Change within an Enterprises. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 80(3).

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