Published : 2018-04-30

Perception of the Euro vs. the Economic Performance of EU States

Emília Zimková

Vlastimil Farkašovský

Jarosław Szostak


While it is true that the euro area states have seen multiple benefits from the adoption of a single currency, some of them turned out to be disconcertingly vulnerable to the impacts of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. As a result, the vague prospect of a multi-speed Europe that had not received much attention prior to the financial crunch has become fairly likely to materialize. Although Euroskeptics and pro-Europeans alike argue that the monetary union is an unfinished project, they tend to advocate radically different solutions: while the former would opt for its decomposition, the latter would further pursue integration by establishing a fiscal union. The paper addresses the question of how the euro is perceived in both EMU and non-EMU states vis-à-vis the countries' economic performance assessed against the EMU nominal convergence criteria. In doing so, it explores a body of data sourced from the European Commission and the European Central Bank using the k-means cluster analysis. The analysis aims to highlight heterogeneity in perceptions as well as in economic convergence across the European countries.(original abstract)


Economic and political integration of Europe, Eurozone, Monetary unions, Cluster analysis, Algorithms





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Zimková, E., Farkašovský, V., & Szostak, J. (2018). Perception of the Euro vs. the Economic Performance of EU States. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 79(2).

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