Published : 2017-06-30

Prospective Changes in the Demand for Qualifications and Occupations in the Face of Economic Transformations

Edyta Żmurkow-Poteralska


The aim of the study is to identify prospective changes in the demand for occupations and qualifications in the face of economic transformations geared towards a knowledge-based economy. The first part outlines economic changes accompanying the transition to a knowledgebased economy and contains an analysis of changes in the sectoral structure of employment in Poland in the high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services. The second part includes an overview of changes in work content, the manner of performing professional tasks and the skills required as a result of technological progress. The third part describes prospective changes in the demand for occupations and qualifications. The author analyses the phenomenon of the disappearance and emergence of new occupations in the Polish labour market and investigates changes in the employment structure across occupations and qualifications in Poland, including forecasts of the employment structure across occupational groups.(original abstract)


Knowledge-based economy, Qualifying employees, Professional skills





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Żmurkow-Poteralska, E. (2017). Prospective Changes in the Demand for Qualifications and Occupations in the Face of Economic Transformations. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 74(3). Retrieved from

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