Published : 2017-04-30

The Expectations of Millennials toward Financial Services

Magdalena Swacha-Lech


The market entry by a new digital generation, with its new and unique expectations, is among major recent changes in the environment of banking institutions, alongside such developments as increasing competition from FinTech firms, the digitalization of economy and society, the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD 2), the Payment Accounts Directive (PAD) or the Regulation on Interchange Fees for Card-based Payment Transactions. Generation Y (also known as Millennials) are people born between 1980 and 1994. The aim of the paper is to portray their financial needs and their expectations toward financial services, as well as to identify the key resulting challenges to be faced by banks in the near future. The basic research method used in the study is review and critical analysis of subject literature. The authors looks at a number of prior research findings and employs insights from reports and research papers focused on Millennials and the future of banks.(original abstract)


Youth, Banking services, Financial services, PSD directives, FinTech





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Swacha-Lech, M. (2017). The Expectations of Millennials toward Financial Services. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 73(2). Retrieved from

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