Published : 2017-04-30

Issues in Financing Public Tasks Devolved to Local Governments - a Case Study of State Property Management in Małopolskie Voivodeship

Krystyna Celarek


The paper addresses selected issues related to the financial autonomy of local government, using the example of revenues that Polish poviats [districts] receive on account of their performance of public tasks, such as the management of publicly owned real estate, devolved from central government administration to local government units. Where such public tasks are delegated to local governments, commensurate funding to support jobs involved in the performance of these tasks as well as fair compensation for real property management services should be provided. The paper analyzes the factors attributable to these delegated tasks that might constrain the financial autonomy of poviats. It seems that any attempt to deny poviats the income that is lawfully due on real property management services rendered to the state could be seen as indirect interference with their financial autonomy.(original abstract)


Real estate, Real estate economy, Local government financing, County revenues





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Celarek, K. (2017). Issues in Financing Public Tasks Devolved to Local Governments - a Case Study of State Property Management in Małopolskie Voivodeship. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 73(2). Retrieved from

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