Published : 2017-02-28

Education Inputs Index as the Background of Education Outcomes at Secondary Education Level

Jan Polcyn

Maciej Gawrysiak


Education inputs are often presented as an essential determinant of education quality, usually expressed in the form of students educational performance represented by the results of external exams. Authors concerned with the educational function of production are not unanimous as to the above assumption - some argue that the inputs have a positive impact on the quality of education while others state that they have no such impact. The above-mentioned issues prompted the present author to pursue a research aim which consisted in demonstrating the impact of secondary education inputs on the educational performance of students.The study covered a random group of 100 districts, selected to represent five categories depending on the level of Local Human Development Index (with 20 districts per one category). Data on education inputs were obtained from the Local Data Bank and covered a period between 2012-2014, while exam performance data referred to 2015. All data were analysed using univariate and multivariate analysis of variance. The analysis demonstrates that education input levels were more significant at lower secondary school level. They have been found to be less significant at secondary school level; statistically significant differences have been identified only between extreme categories at secondary education level and for the aggregated index covering lower secondary school and secondary school education levels.(original abstract)


Quality education, Expenditures on higher education, Financing of education, Qualitative coefficients





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Polcyn, J., & Gawrysiak, M. (2017). Education Inputs Index as the Background of Education Outcomes at Secondary Education Level. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 72(1). Retrieved from

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