Published : 2016-12-30

Students' Self-Development Needs and Higher Institutions' Ability to Satisfy Them

Anna Sladek


For young people, the years spent at university are a time of rapid growth, in terms of their professional career as well as, or in the first place, in terms of planning and pursuing their personal development. Students' self-development activities reflect, on the one hand, their interests and, on the other, their preferred lifestyles. Based on the findings of a survey of self-development activities pursued by students of three Wrocław-based universities, the paper outlines the principal areas of their personal development needs. Further, it identifies the categories of needs that are satisfied through formal education, and those that are realized outside of formal education. What can be observed in this context is that higher education institutions are just one of the environments where self-development is sought, and not necessarily the most important one. However, a better awareness of their students' needs could enable universities to create more favorable conditions and, as a result, become a more attractive environment for their students.(original abstract)


Higher education, Students, Development, Lifestyle





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Sladek, A. (2016). Students’ Self-Development Needs and Higher Institutions’ Ability to Satisfy Them. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 71(6). Retrieved from

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