Published : 2015-10-30

Tourism and Recreation and the Lifestyle of Students in Poznan

Renata Rasińska


Lifestyle is a general description of social group activity, including physical activity, which consists of tourist activity and recreation activity. The progress of technology influences the passive lifestyle in society. The aim of this research was the analysis of student lifestyles, in terms of their tourist and recreation activity. Research was carried out over the years of 2007-2014 among the students of Poznan's institutions of higher education, both public and private, using the author's own survey questionnaire. The average age of respondents was 23.81 ±2.921 years. In view of recommendations of health promotion experts, few respondents lead what is considered an active lifestyle. Both the physical activity level and the assessment of tourism and recreation activity are unsatisfactory. The phenomenon of the preference for passive recreation rises among students with only a small group declaring that they practise any sport or qualified tourism. For most students, the inspiration for their physical activity is only needs and interests, and the main obstacle is the lack of time. There is a need for developing a positive attitude towards tourist and recreation activity among students in order to change their present behaviour. It is also necessary to find organizational solutions at universities that would facilitate taking advantage of time for tourism and recreation efficiently.(original abstract)


Tourism, Tourist activity, Recreation, Lifestyle, Students





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Rasińska, R. (2015). Tourism and Recreation and the Lifestyle of Students in Poznan. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 63(6). Retrieved from

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