Published : 2015-10-30

Leisure Time Behaviours of Shopping Centre Visitors in the Poznan Agglomeration

Agata Basińska-Zych

Adrian P. Lubowiecki-Vikuk


The main aim of the paper is to identify leisure time behaviours of shopping centre visitors. The surveys were conducted at five big shopping centres in the Poznan agglomeration, which represented four different generations of shopping centre development. Accordingly, the authors were looking to answer the question of what the reasons were for the visit to the malls surveyed for residents and visitors in Poznan. Moreover, what types of behaviours were taking place in these malls, as well as, what was the frequency of visits and how much time visitors spent (on average) at the mall. According to the authors, the shopping place affects the type of behaviour undertaken by recreational visitors of shopping centres in Poznan. As a result, the study authors confirm the hypothesis adopted. The test results proved that Shopping, Arts and Business Center "Stary Browar" offers the broadest range of commercial and recreational services. As a result, the visitors spend their free time there the most and the longest compared to other surveyed malls respondents.(original abstract)


Leisure time, Recreation, Consumption, Shopping centres, Survey research





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Basińska-Zych, A., & Lubowiecki-Vikuk, A. P. (2015). Leisure Time Behaviours of Shopping Centre Visitors in the Poznan Agglomeration. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 63(6). Retrieved from

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