Published : 2015-09-30

Regional Equillibrium

Hermann Witte


By analyzing three basic graphs, geometric figures of respective structures, the circle, the incomplete honeycomb, and the incomplete quadratic raster/grid, we found out that these figures/ structures are different in the realization of regional equilibria. It was found that the circle and the incomplete honeycomb have an advantage. Regional equilibria are realized when the equilibrium condition formulated by Walras is given in a "bottom-up-approach." In addition, a quantitative equilibrium must be given. The "top-down-approach" cannot guarantee that economic equilibria will be realized on the lower levels of the regional subdivision of a national economy. The realization of regional equilibria in the sense of Walras also leads to the realization of economic sustainability in the region. Furthermore, the realization of the economic sustainability gives incentives to realize the two other components of sustainability: the social and the ecological sustainability. This is possible because the economic units have no stress to act socialy and ecologicaly without the strategy of maximizing the value added. The mentioned figures/structures are also quite different for planning routes and tours. Through the subjective evaluation criteria the incomplete honeycomb is found to be placed first, followed by the circle and the incomplete quadratic raster/grid.(original abstract)


Spatial economy, Spatial planning, Regional planning





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Witte, H. (2015). Regional Equillibrium. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 62(5). Retrieved from

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