Published : 2015-07-30

The Problem of Competitiveness in the Economic Sciences

Adam Lipowski


This article addresses the problem of the competitiveness of production. The aim of the article is to examine whether this problem is acknowledged correctly in the economic sciences (economics and management), e.g, when the sources of competitive production are sought in a firm's realistic struggle for a buyer. In order to answer this question it was necessary to develop the author's model of firms' real struggles to find a buyer, and to create a critical analysis of the known microeconomic model of competition. The analysis of the microeconomic model of competition, when compared with the author's model of the real struggles for firms led to the following conclusion: the known microeconomic models of competition do not characterize firms' real struggle for a buyer. This conclusion led to the final assessment that the economic sciences incorrectly outline the sources of competitive production.(original abstract)


Competitiveness, Perfect competition, Monopolistic competition, Oligopolistic competition





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Lipowski, A. (2015). The Problem of Competitiveness in the Economic Sciences. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 61(4). Retrieved from

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