Published : 2015-04-30

Dividend Policies Pursued by Companies vs. Information Published in Issue Prospectuses - Research Findings

Bartłomiej Jabłoński

Jacek Kuczowic


This paper explores the subject of dividend policies declared by companies prior to a public share issue, with emphasis on the relationships between policy statements published in prospectuses and subsequent actual dividend payments. It examines the structure, as well as some of the other characteristics of an issue prospectus, which is the primary source of information about the issuer, its current economic and financial condition and its future plans, including dividend payments. The authors present the findings of research that covered the component companies of the WIG20, sWIG and mWIG indexes and investigated how, between 2002 and 2013, dividend policies were described in prospectuses and to what extent they were observed over the 3-year period following the share issue.(original abstract)


Dividend, Prospectus, Stock market, Joint stock companies





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Jabłoński, B., & Kuczowic, J. (2015). Dividend Policies Pursued by Companies vs. Information Published in Issue Prospectuses - Research Findings. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 59(2). Retrieved from

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