In the face of challenges like the war in Ukraine and the digital transformation,
sustainability, more than ever, is seen as a key prerequisite of socio-economic
development. The articles included in the current issue offer an overview of theoretical
and empirical perspectives on the problems associated with ensuring the
sustainable development of an economy in the conditions of discontinuity. The
findings presented by the authors confirm the need to continue research efforts in
order to develop an interdisciplinary and multi-dimensional approach to sustainable
management and finances at the level of companies and regions.
In the article entitled Payment Security in the Digital Age, M. Lotko identifies factors
influencing users’ sense of security and their concerns related to electronic
payments. Based on a review of the literature and results of a questionnaire survey,
the author concludes that by educating users about banking security standards
and encouraging them to regularly change passwords, their level of trust
towards digital payments and the level of transaction security can be increased.
The benefits and threats associated with artificial intelligence are discussed
by W. Ilnicka. The article provides examples of how this technology has revolutionised
many aspects of modern life by offering greater efficiency, convenience
and personalization. However, all these innovations could disrupt the existing
labour market and raise serious privacy concerns given the large and constantly
growing amount of data processed by AI.
of ES G reporting in capital groups and identifies key trends and relationships
between transfer pricing policies and ESG indicators. She concludes that
that a transparent way of establishing transfer prices has a positive effect on the
perception of ESG reports but its implementation is associated with additional
costs and regulatory complexity.
In the article entitled Public Procurement Procedures from the Perspective of Construction
Contractors, M. Blaszke focuses on problems associated with the interpretation
of tender documentation, offer submission and contract implementation.
Based on questionnaire data, the author concludes that efforts to streamline
tender procedures, improve their transparency and adapt them to market needs
market can help to improve the efficiency of the public procurement system and
increase the level of satisfaction for all those involved in the investment processes.
In his article G. Chrobak describes results of a study analysing different scenarios
for estimating the amount of corporate income tax. The author identifies
temporary differences in the reported value of projected deferred tax assets,
which depend on the predetermined gross profit/loss and fluctuations in the
amount of tax differences.
tax transferred to public benefit organizations has affected their income from this
source. In addition to describing changes in relevant regulations, the author looks
at empirical data for 2010–2024 to determine the scale of the impact.
The article entitled Listing Act — A (R)evolution in the Capital Market, by
capital acquisition opportunities available to businesses. The author identifies
the most significant legal changes introduced by the new regulatory framework,
particularly from the perspective of issuers.
It is the hope of the journal’s editorial board that the articles included in the
current issue will be interest to its readers and will inspire scientific debate and
further research.
Mariola Grzebyk
Izabela Krawczyk-Sokołowska