Data publikacji : 2018-04-30

E-learning as a Professional Tool in the Higher Education of University Students Preparing for the Role of Managers in Public Organizations

Marcela Hallová

Peter Polakovič

Seweryn Cichoń


Modern information society is a society of creative, innovation-oriented, enterprising people, open to information from many sources and from the media. Access to reliable and professional knowledge is very valuable and pays off in the future. It is essential that this knowledge be systematized, selected, specialized, transferred in an attractive form, condensed, transparent and adapted to the recipient. E-learning is becoming a very attractive tool, whose usefulness is appreciated by organizations, including public ones, and by individual people. Functioning in an information, knowledge-oriented society requires constant training, further practice and continuous improvement of qualifications. In this context, universities need to adapt their educational offering to the constantly changing environment in order to meet market expectations. The aim of the paper is to explain the use of e-learning in the era of innovation and computerization, to determine the impact of the use of e-learning on the higher education of students and in their further professional development as managers of public organizations.(original abstract)

Słowa kluczowe:

Zdalne nauczanie, Szkolnictwo wyższe, Zarządzanie organizacją publiczną, Studenci





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Zasady cytowania

Hallová, M., Polakovič, P., & Cichoń, S. (2018). E-learning as a Professional Tool in the Higher Education of University Students Preparing for the Role of Managers in Public Organizations. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 79(2).

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