Published : 2015-12-30

Determinants of Recreational Activity : through the Example of ASG Players (Airsoft Gun)

Marek Nowacki

Izabela Wiśniewska


An airsoft gun (ASG) is a faithful replica of a firearm, as well as, a team game based on the reconstruction of war and the struggle involving the replicas of such weapons. The aim of this study was to determine the conditions of involvement in outdoor recreational airsoft games. The main research problem was the following question: what determines the level of involvement of the airsoft players? The hypothesis formulated in the research process was that an important motive for participation and involvement in the airsoft game is the desire to act like a berserk. The result of the survey conducted on a sample of 100 ASG players stated that the level of their involvement in airsoft is relatively high and, for most of them, it is the most important form of recreational activity. Players mostly participate in individually organized games on a small scale and prefer meeting places that are less frequented and happen to be ruins of buildings. The main motives of the players are: the desire to be with friends, an escape from everyday life, and the desire to experience the survival of the fittest. The results have forced the authors to reject their hypothesis as the motives associated with a sense of the nearness of death received the lowest rank, and did not show a connection with an involvement in airsoft.(original abstract)


Recreation, Simulation games, Motivation





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Nowacki, M., & Wiśniewska, I. (2015). Determinants of Recreational Activity : through the Example of ASG Players (Airsoft Gun). Studia Periegetica, 14(2), 69–81. Retrieved from

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