Published : 2014-06-30

Factors of Success in Recreational Paragliding : the Case of Monte Grappa and Lijak Take-offss

Maciej Grenda

Marek Nowacki


The aim of this study is to identify the factors influencing the performance of long flights in paragliding. In the case of recreational paragliding pilots agree that a successful flight is one that lasts as long as possible and contains the largest possible distance traveled. Data of analyzed flights were collected using a web portal - Paraglide pilots place tracks of their flights recorded by GPS devices in the system, along with the dates of their flights, and wings on which the flight was executed. Meteorological data for each flight is obtained from the weather service portals, and thus, the conditions under which the flight took place are established. In order to check the impact of the takeoff site on the result achieved by the pilots, tracks were collected from two popular paragliding destinations in Europe: Monte Grappa (Italy) and Lijak (Slovenia). The performed analyzes revealed that success in paragliding primarily determines the experience and skills of the pilot and, to a lesser extent, the weather conditions and characteristics of the equipment. A perfect pilot and weather conditions, in the light of the studies, did not have a significant effect on the results achieved by the pilot. Characteristics of the areas where the pilots are flying are so important, that in order to identify the determinants of success in recreational paragliding, analyzes should be performed for each destination separately.(original abstract)


Civil aviation, Recreation, Weather risk, Research results





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Grenda, M., & Nowacki, M. (2014). Factors of Success in Recreational Paragliding : the Case of Monte Grappa and Lijak Take-offss. Studia Periegetica, 11(1), 89–102. Retrieved from

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